Kelsi & Matt : Destin, Florida

It was hardly a one day affair. In fact, it didn't come close to the expected afternoon ceremony and evening reception. With family and friends traveling from London, Wales, Oregon, and Oklahoma (and Matt himself making the journey from Australia), Kelsi and Matt thought it best to make their wedding an extended celebration. Over the course of one week both families (from grandparents to seven month twins) stayed in the same three story Destin, Florida beach house. They shared meals and kitchens and couches and bathrooms and even fought over equal sharing of baby cuddles. So by the time Kelsi & Matt said their vows and kissed to forever, the day was really more of a marriage of two families. The Cross's promised to jump the pond and visit the Brit's in Wales, while Matt's family happily agreed to do the same in Oregon. It was kind of exactly how every wedding, and marriage, should be.

Kelsi & Matt, ohhhh Kels & Matty. I really, really love you. If I write too much more I'll start crying. I'll really do it, right here, in front of the whole world! But know that I'm so wildly happy for you. You two could not be more perfectly made for each other and I feel like our little family is finally complete...

That is until you want to get started on those British-Aussie-American babies of yours. 

Lovelovelove, M.

A Taste of What's to Come

I'm feeling quite blessed this week. My days are filled sifting through not one, nor two, but three gorgeous couples. Their pictures are the type of photos I dream of taking. Their love is beautiful and I feel so...well...unworthy to be the one that captured their story. I know you're patiently waiting for their debut(s) so I'll leave you with a little preview of what's to come.

This is the work that makes my heart sing.

Stephen & Ariel's engagement session...

Shawn & Jill's engagement session...

Matt & Kelsi's Destin, Florida wedding...

A New Website!!

Eeeeeek!!!!! Oh Internet World, today is a good day! The brand new Michelle Cross Photography website just launched and I could not be anymore thrilled. If you've yet to notice, this excitement can be seen via the excessive! use! of! exclamation! points!!!!!

I highly recommend you stop what you're doing and swing by the site. And if you're up for it please do let me know how everything works. This beauty has been a long time coming (since June, actually, immediately after launching this blog) and it involved a great deal of blood, sweat and, well, crying.

I won't give too much away but I will leave you with a little eye candy to send you on your way. Happy Wednesday and HAPPY NEW WEBSITE DAY!!!!
