I never get to do quite as many family sessions as I'd like. I'm not sure whether or not it's because weddings generally take my weekends away from potential portrait sessions, or because by the time the craziness of wedding season has died down, so has the sunny weather right along with it. But whatever the reason, I'm always so excited when I have a family session on the books. I've known the Boyk family for...a really long time. I think I first met Kayla and her family in middle school, and since then they've always been the type of people you truly enjoy running into at weddings...and random town events...and the grocery store. So when Kayla's mom, Donna, emailed to ask about a portrait session before her son, Jacob, left for the Air Force, I couldn't have been any more excited. A day at Smith Rock was just what we needed to get a few pretty pictures of this beautiful family. Oh! And Kayla and her husband, Cody, brought their dog, Petey. Instantly shooting them straight to the top of the list of families I completely adore.
Dog people are just my people. I have no control over it.
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