A Sweet Kiss

I won't lie, I think I've mastered the art of packing. Clothing is rolled as to all fit in one carry-on, toiletries + the laptop are in my purse for easy access through security, and jewelery doesn't go on until after I make it to my gate. I'm heading out bright and early to shoot this sweet couple's wedding on Saturday and capture a few engagement sessions while I'm home. I came across this picture last week and realized that I can't look at Sammy + Griffin without smiling - something that makes me extra excited for their big day.

"You should be kissed, and often, and by someone that knows how" - Gone with the Wind

xoxo, M.

Trevor & Jillian

There are couples whose day you just feel honored to be part of. They’re the kind of people who make you feel special for being there. The ones that make you feel thankful for the job you have. Trevor and Jillian are easily this couple. On Saturday I headed East toward Julian to meet up with my dear friend Em for Trevor and Jillian’s farmhouse wedding. As I rounded the mountain and passed miles upon miles of apple orchards, I knew the day ahead was going to be a beautiful one. If you’ve never been to Julian before I’ll be the first to tell you it’s an adventure. Nestled just over an hour inland from the Pacific Ocean, the journey to get there is nearly as beautiful as the town itself. Complete with fresh apple pie stands, cider presses, and an endless supply of orchard eye candy, the town – and surrounding area – is a true nod to another time.

When I finally pulled into the Farmhouse Inn it was evident that Jillian had put in so much of her time and devotion to securing every last detail of the wedding. Her heartfelt efforts were reflected in a perfectly unique and meaningful day. But the most beautiful thing (and all too rare, I might add) was that on the day of her wedding she was simply able to be her - calm, cool, and stunningly gorgeous. With a handful of extra lovely bridesmaids doting on the happy bride, I could not have conjured up a more beautiful wedding day setting had I tried.

Isn't Jillian breathtaking? Goodness.

Trevor seeing his Lady for the first time...

Trevor and Jillian, thank you for allowing me to join you on the most wonderful day of your lives. You are truly sweet people and I feel blessed to have shared your day with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and congrats on the beginning of forever!


A Bad Case of the Nerves

We parked outside the coffee shop and my mom left the car to greet my in-laws. I stayed inside gnawing on the turkey wrap my mom had made for me as I was getting dressed. She knew I hadn’t eaten anything and, just as she always does, reminded me I needed a little protein in my system if I wanted to make it through the day without crashing. I really, actually like Colton’s family so I wasn’t avoiding them as much as I was aggressively trying to eat anything I could in an attempt to fill the nervous pit in my stomach. It was 10:55a and the wedding day started in just over an hour. Noticing my absence, Colton’s dad opened the car door and teased me for not joining the party. The thing is, I’m not even the type of person who avoids seeing people I know. For example, say you and I are walking toward each other in the grocery store, I won’t even avert my eye contact so we don’t have to talk. Honest! I’m totally okay with that awkward conversation we’re about to have. I probably won’t even think it’s awkward!

I got out of the car and just stood there. My mind was racing and despite the fact that Colton’s Aunt + Uncle, who were standing with his parents, were asking questions about life and photography and the wedding, I couldn’t speak. I even forgot to hug them. And I like them! I think it was momentary paralysis.

Only it wasn’t…unless momentary paralysis can occur every Friday evening and Saturday morning before a wedding. It comes in waves, no, more like Tsunamis, every 12 or so hours before a wedding. My palms get sweaty, my mind starts racing, I check, re-check, and re-re-check my bags a dozen times making sure I have everything I need. My sentences are incomplete and I eat things at a painfully rapid rate.

While standing outside the shop Colton’s Aunt Carrie asked me if I ever got nervous about shooting weddings. I immediately noted that I did, and I was, right now. And then I reached out my arms to give her a hug. Partially because I was too flustered to hug her earlier but mostly because I just needed one myself.

The truth is that I do get nervous - quite nervous, actually. But every wedding, without fail, once I hear that first click of my shutter the anxious feelings disappear and I’m able to breathe. I relax, take it all in, and absolutely love the fast paced nature (and pressure) of wedding photography. I like being in my element and knowing what I’m doing. I like taking pictures of people in love on the happiest day of their lives.

And then, in that moment, it’s almost as if the nerves never existed.
