
Eeeeek!!!! I wish I could start this post with something more, well, put together. But my insides are truly squealing with joy and I just can't think of anything more fitting to begin with than an eeeeek! of delight. This new blog has been a long time coming and it feels so incredibly wonderful to finally see it. Here. In front of me. Live. On the internet!

Ms. Kristy at Wreckless Photography & Design (formerly, Wreckless Elements) has been the most patient, kind, and forgiving designer I could EVER ask for. To be completely honest I'm the epitome of the client I would dread. I'm the type of person who rarely has any idea what she really wants. I'm the one who stands in front of the Starbucks barista for six minutes before, always, settling on a tall Americano. I'm crippled by indecision and when it finally comes time to make my choice, I choose the most simple and plain item on the menu - every time, without fail. Kristy had the patience of a saint as I revised, re-revised, and then returned to the original draft on every mock blog she designed for me. I'm actually quite impressed she stuck with me through the entire project.

...but I'm so happy she did.

Now, finally, I feel like I'm home when I stop by my blog. It's subtle, simple, and peaceful. I also think it's somewhat lovely.

While my old blog served a most wonderful purpose in my business, it was time to turn a new page. This blog represents everything I hope my photos make you feel - everything they make me feel.

And since a post without pictures is slightly boring here are a few shots from our stay in Georgetown a few weeks back. All shot on Fuji pro 400h film.

I wish I could say Colton was trying to express his inner European fashionista in the above picture. Unfortunately he just failed to pack a pair of pants. ...or a different pair of shoes. Either would have been nice in this situation.

Happy day and really, welcome.


The New News :: Vol. III

Hi friends! It's that time again. The time of the month where I take a few minutes to update you on the newsiest of news. The latest, the greatest, and the even the moderately lame events of everyday life around here. Without further ado...

** I wrote our June rent check for one dollar less than our rent amount. First off, what was I thinking? Secondly, the matter was made worse when a flaming orange deficient funds notice was taped to the outside of our front door. Thirdly, I dropped off a dollar, in an envelope with an apology letter, into the after hours rent deposit box only to get a call this morning saying the leasing office cannot accept cash. So today, for the first time ever, I wrote a check for one dollar. The leasing agent and I exchanged a few awkward laughs when I turned in the check but I soon left for home happy the uncomfortable situation was over. False. Twenty minutes later I received another call from the leasing office asking me to return for my one dollar in cash. You remember, the dollar bill they couldn't accept. Oh my gawd. You can see why this is newsworthy. And embarrassing.

** Conway is taking up the majority of our lives and we're more than happy allowing it to happen. I cannot fully back the science behind this theory but I'm fairly certain I experienced a shift in hormones after bringing Connie home. I'm strangely emotional, extra needy, and I use puppy talk when speaking with strangers. Case in point, yesterday I cooed at the neighbor.

** I can't stop eating Greek yogurt. It's high in protein, low in sugar, and free of fat. It's a godsend for my constant feelings of Ineedsomethingfatteninganddeliciousrightnow. If anyone tells me anything bad about my guiltless indulgence, I will personally hunt you down. Please, let me have this one thing.

** We just discovered Trader Joe's mini hamburger buns. I have a small, minor, extra slight (read enormous) love for all things miniature. Mini m&m's, bite sized cupcakes, teaspoon sized serving bowls, 8oz coffee drinks. If it's significantly smaller than the original version you can bet I'm a fan. Anyway, mini hamburger buns. They're the reason we ate pulled pork sliders three times this week. So.Much.Fun.

** Colton and I are in the middle of trying to find a church here in Orange County and, ugh, the thought alone is nauseating. I thought we were pretty flexible as far as what we were looking for but as it turns out church shopping is not for the faint of heart. The first service we tried was too churchy, the second was a previously recorded sermon shown on a video feed (whaa?!), the third was, uh, le boring, and the fourth? Surprisingly we both thought the fourth was pretty solid. That is until we were railroaded upon leaving and asked to take a giant green gift bag with bows on it. They mineaswell have given us a flashing neon sign reading PLEASE! STARE AT US AWKWARDLY AS WE LEAVE BECAUSE WE? WE'RE NEW HERE. Jesus, I'm begging you. Help us.

And on that note, the last four weeks of my life are pretty well summed up. Aside from that part I left out about accidentally breaking the kitchen plumping after dumping an entire pot of cooked rice down the disposal. That's the type of thing I find relatively unimportant.

Happy Wednesday,


The World of Film

Remember this post when I was so excited to introduce my newest camera? For the past few months we've been exploring what it means to shoot with film. Last week we received our first order back from Richard Photo Lab and I was blown away with the result. People have been asking me if there's a visible difference between film and digital. And to be completely honest my answer is a definitive I don't know. For the most part I can tell when a photographer shoots with film versus when he or she shoots digitally. But there are ways, really, really good ways off camera, through Photoshop and a variety of other software, to make digital pictures appear nearly identical to film. So what, then, is the real difference between the two? I can only speak for myself but in my personal experience it has less to do with the look of the image than it does with the feel. Last week, as Colton and I anxiously looked through the proofs of our negatives, I couldn't help but feel as though we were looking at something special, something timeless. It's one thing to sit at your desk and look at your photos on a computer screen. But it is another thing entirely to open up a box of prints and feel them between your fingers. To see your images in all their grain and grit and glory and to really, actually feel them. As crazy as it is a printed picture is somewhat hard to come by in today's world. We take our images from the DVD and download them to our laptop before uploading them to Facebook for the world to see. And I definitely get it, I did the exact thing with my own wedding photos just over a year ago. But with film I'm forced to actually take note of a photograph's physical existence. I load the film, I think about each click of the shutter, and I see the images for the first time in my own hands. It gives me a whole new appreciation for what emotion photography can evoke.

I'm posting a few shots from our first few adventures with film. I apologize in advance for the number of pictures of myself. It's embarrassing and I cannot help but feel like the person who makes a Facebook album and tags herself in every picture (you all know exactly who I'm talking about). Go ahead and judge, I'm doing the same thing. But I think these pictures are a good representation of the look and feel of film - a look that can't quite be put into words. I'd be remiss if I didn't say that Colton took the majority of these pictures which, like always, fills me with equal parts pride and raging jealousy.

...but maybe a little more jealousy.

Question: What horribly misguided person taught me to eat ice cream this way???

And a few last shots from Griffin + Sammy's engagement session last month. Happiness.

Happy Tuesday,
