Kelsi + Matt

Kelsi had dated boys before. And being completely honest, none of them were all that bad. Some were kind, some funny, and most quite handsome. But there was always something missing. None of them were entirely, well, Kelsi. And everybody knew it. So last April, when Colton's sister came home from a two week vacation in the Bahamas (<< who does that?!), we rolled our eyes and only halfway listened when she told us she had met The One. And still, a week later when she flew to Miami to meet Matt before he left for his home in England, we were skeptical. And maybe a bit protective. After all, a Love this inconvenient would surely blow over.

But that’s the beauty of Love, isn’t it? Despite the ocean that separated them, Kelsi and Matt made the next year of their lives the best they’d ever known. And through many an expensive plane ticket they remained just as giddy and excited and zealous for life as they were on that island in the Caribbean.

Matt, I like you. A lot. And I really, really like who you make Kelsi - or rather, who you let her be. Thank you for crossing oceans to join our family. And loving Kelsi. And being from England. And looking like the lead singer of Muse. You and Kelsi just fit. You’re one another’s equal and I’m quite certain your hearts have been matched together since the beginning of time. And the best part about this whole situation? This time, everybody knows it.

Kelsi. Beautiful, beautiful, Kelsi...

...And Matt. Handsomely, handsome, Matt.

I'm kinda wild about these next two pictures. Kelsi and Matt, your adorableness is overwhelming.

In the year they've been together Kelsi and Matt met in the Bahamas, lived in London, and are now staying in the U.S. before moving to Australia next month. Thus making them a totally awesome and incredibly cool couple.

Kelsi's bling, direct from Matt's home in Wales.

To see more from Kelsi + Matt's engagement session, CLICK HERE.

There really aren't words to express how excited I am for you two. Congrats just doesn't seem to do it. It's more than just being happy that you two are getting married. It's being thrilled to know that for the rest of our lives we get to spend Thanksgivings and Christmases and baby's births (hard to imagine, but true) together. We get to go on adventures and play pick up soccer and spend evenings watching Mystery Science Theater marathons. So thank you, Kels, for choosing Matt. Because, just like you, he's totally and completely great.

I loveLOVElove you both, Michelle

Sammy & Griffin

She seemed nervous. Or maybe it was quiet, which for the bright and bubbly Sammy couldn’t be further from the norm. But today was different. Today was the day that she would finally call Griffin - handsome, thoughtful, kind Griffin, her husband. As the day moved forward and the hour when she could finally see her beau drew near, Sammy remained calm and poised, the essence of beauty and class. In front of their family and friends Sammy and Griffin promised to love and cherish and make each other laugh every day of their married life. And as they kissed to forever the church erupted with cheers and applause of delight. It's couples like Sammy and Griffin that can't help but make you smile...

Sammy, you are breathtaking.

The first time Sammy and Griffin saw one another was emotional and genuine and real. And beautiful.

After a few quick portraits it was time for the ceremony. And that face? That's the way Griffin looks at Sammy all the time.

After the ceremony Sammy and Griffin arranged to have the most lovely, red 1934 getaway car take them from the church. With Something Special hand painted on the back, I can't think of a more fitting ride for these two.

A touching father-daughter dance...

...And the party begins!

We slipped away from the dance floor to catch a few sunset pictures and I'm so glad we did. They might just be my favorite shots from the day.

Sammy & Griffin, I know I’m not alone when I say that being at your wedding felt like being part of a fairy tale. You’re the type of couple the makes the world a better place, a happier place, because you’re together. Congrats on such a beautiful start of your life and thank you for letting me share in your day. I feel so honored to have been there to capture it.

With love, Michelle

To view more from Sammy & Griffin's Central Oregon wedding, CLICK HERE.